I do not have a dog in the fight, as far as the low country goes. But here is my two cents. Development happens more in practice than it does in matches. That is why there is 3-4 practices per match. Matches are just to see what is broken. A great coach can develop kids at the classic level just fine. If he is a good, capable coach. My daughters have one of those. They play at the High School, and I will take their development over the challenge kids on the team. I would and will follow the best coach. The best team thing is partly about ego, living thru the kids. If you doubt me I have seen classic kids(remember the great coach) playing college players. I liked the result.

I have seen very well trained players go challenge to see them come back, behind some, or equal to the kids that stayed.

SCYSA had a chance to put a promotion relegation system in place. SC will stay behind, as long as coaches can simply choose and not earn their way up, and to a point it is only a marketing tool. You should not just have a choice.

I know the heavens will open up now, but let it rain! It is going to again this weekend on Columbia St Patricks day, will it be cancelled?