"Go to Greenville" can't be the only answer to everything.

Again, with great respect to what the folks at CESA are doing, making that the only option is logistically excluding a segment of players who can't commit to that kind of distance--and if the idea is to make SC soccer stronger, it doesn't make sense to start off by excluding players--ANY players--from opportunities.

I know individual players in the Charleston area I would put up against individual CESA players any day of the week, but they cannot or will not make that drive. Now, people can say "If they're really committed, they'd drive, and if they're not, oh, well, who needs them." It might even be convincing, except that all I've been reading here is about how SC soccer is not as successful as surrounding states, small talent pool, etc., etc...it becomes apparent that something is needed.

Seems logical that the way to increase the overall quality of SC soccer is to make sure that there are good opportunities for participation, enjoyment, development, competition, advancement, and exposure at all levels, in all areas of the state. Go at it from that angle, and it wouldn't surprise me much if, over time, this "small talent pool" everyone is always complaining about became significantly larger.

I've got good news and bad news...