Seeing as my post was erased I will ask questions about this post minus those question that could be considered sensitive.

I am very interested in this new program but have some specific questions that need answering before I can fully support:

Specifically about the girls Program for new CUFC-

1. Who is the coaching and training staff for the girls program and their licensing, specifically for Charleston area?

2. What tournaments are you guaranteed entry?

3. You say that it is "cost effective," what is the total cost for everything for what you propose? Itemizing everything would be preferred?

4. What fields in the Charleston area do you have guaranteed for training purposes?

5. Why not assist the ODP and SCYSA in providing this program, or helping them to improve the existing program? Surely all this will do is create confusion for higher level players and fragment the "top level" environment.

6. I see that your season runs into high school season, into March. What does the high school league/coaches think
about this? I know specifically that you have Wandos' coach, Shannon Champ, does she support your plans?

7. Not really important but I am interested to know, how much does it cost to tryout?

Thank you for your assistance in answering my questions and wish you the best of luck and success with your new adventure.

A possible fan