I think the responses that we are receiving on this subject are typical and to be expected but are very warranted from all perspectives. I also think the deletion of certain posts and the way that they were leaning is also very telling.
Anything that is started on this forum is some form of advertisement. Either in the posters beliefs or their need for the reader to do something. The OP basically cut and pasted an e-mail that was sent to the current BFA mailing list. An advertisement to join a new program.
Then they added a statement to the end in reference to the post that this was the only truth that you would read and the rest of the truth could only be attained by talking with 3 individuals involved with the new program.
On this forum their are many smart and knowledgeable posters that have experience on this subject and with the persons and clubs involved. If advertisement without challenge was what was meant then I would suggest an add in the paper or Southern Soccer Scene.

Since it has been put in the public domain and has been promoted as the truth without question than it is very fair game for anyone whom has questions to the post. It would also be a lot easier for the club to view this as Frequently Asked Questions in which they could reach as many people as possible just like posting on SCSOCCER to reach as many people as possible.

I would like to reiterate a point that has been made by many, ANYTHING THAT PROMOTES WOMENS SOCCER IS A GOOD THING.
But, and there always is a but.

I do feel it is the responsibility of every parent to investigate the claims made any club they are thinking of joining.
Do the certifications that are claimed by the coaches match what is on file at USSOCCER?.
Do they have the financial backing to perform what is promised?.
How many fields have they purchased in the past for the benefit of the players or have they lined thEIr pockets with training fees instead?.
Do they have any outstanding debt to anyone for field rentals?
What is their past track record at past clubs they have been involved with in the past?
Are those programs flourishing or do they look like graveyards?
What has been the turnover ratios among players for their past teams?
What is the number of male vs female teams in past programs?

These are only a few of the questions I could think of at this time. I feel it is very wrong to assume some one who asks other than fluff questions is trying to tear down a particular program. If more people would have asked questions of Madoff instead of just looking at what they were greedily getting for themselves they might be a little better off today.
