Belli, I am glad you asked ...


"Do the certifications that are claimed by the coaches match what is on file at USSOCCER?"
Ya know, I'll actually give you this one, BUT, please tell me how many times you have asked this question and/or investigated this with other coaches in the past?

I have actually suggested to SCYS Board Members that this information be available on the SCYS website.


Do they have the financial backing to perform what is promised?"
do you ask for financial records of every company you do business with? i'm not talking about someone you invest money with - i'm talking, when you go to get your hair cut, do you ask the barber what kind of shape he/she is in, financially? last time you signed on with your local telephone carrier (or mobile phone provider, internet provider, etc) did you check out their financials prior to doing so?

Financial records, or rather the lack of finances, was the reason the last discussion I was involved in re: a merger of 2 soccer organizations in this State came to a screeching halt!


"Do they have any outstanding debt to anyone for field rentals?"
again, cunitedparent either knows or thinks he knows something, but who cares? you hire a money manager to coach your child, i'll hire a good trainer. would i prefer my child's trainer to be good with money? sure. but, if i had to choose between the two, i'll take the better trainer and hope the other works out.

See answer above.


"What is their past track record at past clubs they have been involved with in the past?"
what does this even mean? very subjective - again, cunitedparent is obviously trying to say something. give me an example - pick the trainer of your choice and answer that.

Seriously? A track record is not relevant? Very interesting.


"Are those programs flourishing or do they look like graveyards?"
i'll ask again, do you seriously not believe that cunitedparent was making a statement with this one? how can that even be answered? whatever "graveyard" cunitedparent is talking about, he apparently is placing the blame for it on one single person's shoulders. to do so is just plain ridiculous.

You are assuming everyone knows as much as you and CU do. If one was not in the know I would assume he / she was discussing Clubs, not individuals. In fact, I would go as far as to state that through your 'defense' you have made it 'individual' in nature.


"What has been the turnover ratios among players for their past teams?"
does ANY club in the state keep track of something like that?

My club does. And we are rather proud of our record! It states we are doing something right!!


"What is the number of male vs female teams in past programs?"
again, what is the point here?

I have answered all your questions. I don't even want to answer this one, as you know the answer already!

Have a great day!