Hurst66: I've noticed that it takes a lot less time to read than to write! But to be honest, I usually get an e-mail from someone when it's a subject they know I'd be interested in. Over two days, I wrote two responses and deleted them; but when Bear began talking about the administrative aspects of this it seemed time. Being a Bridge fan from the outset of the club's creation, I understand the desire that the low-country "unite" - but my aspirations are much lower - I just want freedom of choice for players/parents coupled with an increasing richness and diversity of services offered to those players/parents.

BLH/Belligerant/Big Daddy: Were that I was an intelligent as Will. In addition to lacking his skills, I lack his appreciation for baseball - I'd rather watch paint dry. In this general vein, I tend, by the way, to agree with David Mamet: I think Thomas Sowell is our greatest contemporary philosopher.