I read through the 10 pages of comments on this new club. There is a lot of interesting and "misinformative" information through the threads of this blog.

1st: Not only Curtis Freeman, but Mick Townsend and myself as well as many other coaches who really understand how to coach soccer and run a club all left CoastFA at one time.

2nd: This current organization has applied to SCYSA and will be approved as I believe that SCYSA wants to see some sanity on the beach.

3rd: Bigger is not always better, but in this case, a well run organization, with good coaches, and an administration that is truly interested in the kids and not the amount of money they can get from the parents in 4 months, is a welcome change here on the beach.

4th: Myrtle Beach should be the Mecca of soccer tournaments. We have the hotels, we have the fields (if schools and Rec. depts will cooperate) and with a club this size we will have the workers to run a quality tournament every other month. We have a new amusement park, shows,and of course the beach where players and parents can be amused, eat well for very little, and enjoy this outstanding vacation spot.

Coldhardtruth: Thanks for the comment, I hope this new club takes hold here and parents realize how they have not really seen how a "real soccer club" operates.

Curtis, Mick, Jason and Jeff: Best of luck to you all and I hope this works.

Parents: Please don't be fooled yet again by inflated numbers and false names on rosters only to have your son or daughter play up 2-3 years because there is not enough players in the club to have single age groups which the NSCAA has promoted for over 10 years. And if you have a daughter, this is the only club (aside from Horry County Rec. and the Grand Strand Y) that provides a real program for girls only. Make the correct choice in the next few days, not for you or the clubs best interest, but for your childs best interest.