I totally agree and this sounds familiar from past years. They use to pressure my kid at tryouts. The step I took to address this is when the coach called me before tryouts even started and asked me what my kids intention was for the next year and I responded by asking if they were willing to tell me their intention for my kid next year and of coarse they arent so I asked then how can my kid accept a role in the club without a offer, sort of like interviewing for a job, you dont sit at home and "hope" that company is the only offer coming in, you interview other places not always because you prefer the other job or in this case club but to secure a spot. Why cant coaches understand that simple process? They know exactly where my kid stands if shes a returning player and a tryout isnt going to show a drastic change in play to make that choice. I started giving the politically correct answer when asked now if my kid is coming to tryouts and that answer is "yes, my kid will be at tryouts". Not "yes, my kid will play for you next year".