To me the worst thing about this is that the Admin was going to push this through without letting the parents know. Do they think we are stupid? Do they think we would not find out? Their failure to provide an ample public discussion with the parents speaks volumes about what they think! They want us invloved with the schools as much as possible when it comes to the fundraising but when the tough stuff like what to cut comes up they would rather dole out the decisions based on what they want not how the owners (that would be us the parents and taxpayers) want. The school board asked for this input from their Senior Leadership Team, but no one sought out the parents for their input. Who do you blame for that? Me I will blame both as they have now shown me that they would prefer to operate in the dark if possible.

I am not upset that cuts have to be made, just the way in which it was done. If you want my help in providing the best possible enviorment then perhaps you should keep me involved every chance you get.