I showed.

About "yankee soccer" - the facilities here are about the best I've seen for HS level. Sadly I found that the game isn't really taken very seriously by a lot of people here. I think the few who are involved here are as committed to "soccer" as their counterparts the world over. Refereeing standards and lack of consistency is the biggest problem I've noticed - whats a red card today doesn't even merit a yellow in the next game etc. The gulf in standard between the Chapins and the West Oaks actually isn't all that great and isn't insurmountable, but hopefully schools will put more money into the JV programmes as thats where the Varsity teams of the future come from.

AS a footnote, I find the club/school rule totally absurd, but, I also find a player having to leave the pitch after a yellow to be equally bizarre!

Sine le meas
