
Curious to the costs of ODP compared to "club" soccer...
Club Soccer
Tryouts 25
Uniforms 150 (multi year use though)
Registration 150
Fall & Spring Club Dues 850
Team Budget for Fall & Spring 500
Hotels for out of town tournaments 1200
Dining out 6 weekends out of town 600
Gas for traveling throughtout the southeast 700
Totals $4175
or you can say it costs about $105/game - tournament t-shirts are extra. Can't wait to see what a "soccer person" does for the costs of ODP.

Mike, you are trying to hard to defend something you shouldn't.

1. Not every club has a tryout fee.
2. Score?
3, 4 & 5. Not all club fees are as inflated as you have quoted. Regardless this is not much different to the total cost of ODP. (And for what return?)
6. Where does a parent stay who chooses to go and watch their kid play ODP? (That would be two hotel rooms, thank you!)
7. You don't eat when you go and watch your kid play ODP?
8. You don't drive your car to ODP events?

FACT: Cost per practice / game is significantly higher at ODP (versus Club).

A State "soccer person" would not simply run ODP - well one would hope not - as a result his or her expense would be covered by the entire membership, not just ODP.
