1. For those of you that say SC ODP is in sad shape speak for your own age group. The 96 girls are in good shape.
2. If and i say "IF" there were any girls mauling any boys on the bus do not blame Mary Bynum. Blame the girls parents for not raising them better.
3. I know it is a little early for Mardi Gras, but if and again i say "IF" there were any boys on the bus that was that big of a stud then i would like to know how many beads he came home with from that bus ride.

Now after having a little fun with this i just have this to say,
Maybe there was some flirting going on and it probably scared the teenage boys but i do not think that is why anyone had a bad showing.It seems that there wasnt enough practice/training going on if any. Maybe the thread can get back to that part of the discussion not about the ODP GONE WILD BUS.