So in reading Coach Heise's response I'm thinking he possibly misunderstood my comments. What I was getting at is I have seen many coaches employ tactics when games get "ugly" that include playing subs maximum minutes and some even employ tactics like passing rules. As in all sports, at the end of the day as a coach you can only do so much when these type situtations arise. Thankfully, it's not very often. Simply put, I do not believe many coaches would be standing on the sideline in a 9-0 game screaming "let's pour it on boys".... That's almost the vision I get when I read other's posts complaing about lopsided scores. In checking old BC scores I see where Northwestern defeated BC 10-0 in 2007. I doubt seriously Dom Wren was trying to "pour it on" then and I'm sure last night you were not trying to purposely "humiliate" a new Midland Valley program. It just seems every year it's inevitable this discussion comes up when a couple of games get ugly. My comments were simply meant to imply it's a dead horse that is no longer worth beating. It was not meant to be derogatory or a smart aleck towards you or the BC program.