
Keep you shirt on....18 yr. old HS liberal. You got rather scattered in your last responses. Grow up sonny. Open less of your mind...instead, open your eyes. Rediculous you are being. Be open-minded and more caring. I pay for your liberal education.

Let me help you "Get it". There are people that DO NOT like the idea of someone in this country wagging a flag of a different country in their face. These people only need a stupid reason to hurt someone....even at a HS soccer game. My point is "why antagonize people".

Think beyond yourself, and care about the feelings of all people....not just yourself. I and many others do not appreciate it. That should be enough for you to take my feelings into consideration. But no, you make fun of my opinion and ask if I am 3. You make light of Christian, 45 yr. olds....so I have to assume you are "against" that. Understand that?

Again, wake up and smell the coffee. You struck no nerve with me.

NW/IRMO/the Mexican kid that wrapped himself....LEAVE the flags at home. Put them on your clothes/cars/houses. Do you REALLY need the extra attention?

So, using your logic:
Playing soccer may offend some people. Since it offends people, should we stop playing it too?