
By the way, Taylorbabe....my sphere expands much further than you and a few.

Do you know me personally? If not, then don't claim to know where I've been or anything about my life.


Or....maybe I'll come and see my tax dollars at work. Why don't YOU stay at home? When you have no more argument, you say "stay at home"

No more argument? I'm not the one who is complaining--YOU ARE. I simply made the suggestion that if this flag thing bothers you so much, then stay home. Why subject yourself to the aggravation??

I've got plenty of "argument" in me...but I think the points of the argument have been made. I don't agree with you, and that's perfectly fine with me. I'm just very thankful I live in a country where differing viewpoints are embraced. You obviously have an issue with this. My advice to you: If you don't like the freedoms we are allowed in this country, perhaps you should return to wherever you are from.

Soccer is a multi-cultural sport. If flags from other countries are flown in the stands of high school soccer matches, then so be it. If you don't want to see these flags flown, then either:
1. stay home, OR
2. put your big-girl panties on and deal with it.

If I had to speculate, the flags aren't going away anytime soon...so I guess the choice is yours and yours alone.

-Attitude reflects leadership-