
Please back up a little and actually "read" my posts. I am happy NW won. I like a lot of the kids on the NW team. I believe they had a great game to finish a fine season.

My team did not LOSE. I am grown, unlike elementary posts that I read. I am an immigrant to the U.S. and love the U.S. flag. I celebrate diversity everyday I live....HERE.

I have been the victim of discrimination. Even though we are diverse and we come together as one, I wrap myself in one flag. Waving other countries flags around is more than wearing a t-shirt or jacket or a bumper sticker. Otherwise, flags mean little. To ME, it shows individualism, not cohesiveness. It shouts, "look at me....I'm not from here", but I love the U.S. It doesn't hurt NW when it comes to play, but in the stands fans "look" for something to get emotional about. Some people get really upset that it happens. It is antagonizing and with today's climate and is not the smartest thing to do. I suppose they will have to "get over it",but it's already drawing negative comments in the stands and it's only a matter of time before someone gets more than just words. When that happens, someone else will be a "sore" loser.