All of this info has been helpful, and I'm not knocking soccer in general. I've had a daughter who played travel volleyball, a son who played in the SCJGA (golf)and travel baseball and the costs were relatively affordable, and we spent time in many hotels but mostly in the southeast. So when my daughter brings home her notes from the Club Soccer meeting and said dad these are the costs associated with your grandaughter playing for the big club in the upstate this year. I was floored, and said OH MY! I actually said something other than OH MY! I said honey, put the basketball in her hand and walk away, you can't afford that. And by no means is she below the poverty level.She lives in a middle class neighborhood in the upstate. Actually the club fees are not bad, but the travel costs are ridiculous.So POP and observer where I'm going with this is that Soccer Clubs are requiring to much from kids and are charging an arm and a leg for it.