1- I think that the topic is way of subject now
2- To Bomber, it is not a good comparison. The emotions of the game (the frustration) is what makes a worthy match. If you are emotianlly invested (i.e. your kid is playing) you would beieve it to be the best time. The size of the crowd in HS soccer games is made up mostly of family with some HS having more student support than others

I have been to many games on all 3 levels of which we speak, frankly I have seen absolutely fantastic club games (both in season and state cup), have seen great HS games and college games. In almost every case I had emotional involvement because my kids were playing

In fact when Landon Donovan scored the goal against Algeria I was in a computer room in Europe (suffering via internet feed) and went absolutely crazy - the only american in the group (much to the dismay of the trainer at the time and to many chuckles from my peers). Luckily it was understood and did not suffer any "penalty" for it. ....But the point is a big crowd makes a fantastic atmosphere but if you are emotionally involved, size does not matter the game has captured you.

I can honestly tell you that I have been to games in other sports at the HS level where you could have kids playing hopscotch on the field and the crowd would be the same. They were there for the social and not the game.

I prefer the emotional investment.... maybe I am a masochist as soccer is very frustrating and unforgiving.