
When it came time to get my daughter involved in sports we started looking at options that were available in our area (FL). Since my wife lived in Palm Beach at the time Polo was something she wanted to inquire about. After stopping by at the local Polo grounds and gathering the info she came home and showed me the figures. I decided that moment Polo was something that we simply couldn't afford.

Just to get started, so you can play in the lowest level tournament(see, it's just like soccer) you will need the following:
4-8 Polo Ponies(not polo horses) @ $15,000-$30,000 each
1-Pick-up truck $15,000-$45,000
1-Horse trailer $10,000-$50,000
Club fees $8,000.00 year
USPA dues $250.00
Saddle $3,000.00 X 4-8 depending on number of ponies
Boots $500.00
Helmet $300.00
Mallets $500.00
Shoeing $150.00 per ponie per month
Vet $1,000.00 per year per ponie
Stabling $1,200.00 per ponie per month

So from a low of about $200,000 a year to a cool half mill you can get your kid playing competitive Polo.

How dare CESA charge $3,500.00 to play Competitive soccer for a year.

My point is tongue in cheek, no one is putting a gun to your head to play competitive soccer nor is it a birth right for everyone to be able to afford to play a sport whatever it is.