Sent today from SC ODP Administrator this afternoon.

After receiving literally hundreds of emails and speaking with dozens of parents on the phone we have decided to make a change in the place and date of ODP tryouts. We are making this move as a reflection of our commitment of moving to a District Team based Program.
The ODP tryouts will now be on Saturday 4 December at Carolina Elite Soccer Academy's MESA complex. The CESA complex, one of the finest soccer complexes in Region III, is also the host of the Region III Southern Tournament in June 2012, so this should be a great venue for South Carolina's ODP tryouts. This tryout will be open for all South Carolina players from birth year 2000 - 1994. Boys will be from 10:00 am - 1:00pm and girls will be from 2:00pm - 5:00 pm.
We are currently in the process of determining where, in the Costal District, the makeup date practice will be.
We are aware of the ongoing issues of registering birth year 2000 players (the term longsuffering comes to mind). If you have an issue send me an email and I will forward it to our ODP Registrar.

Why not let CESA just pick whom they want on ODP and tell the rest of the state what is left to fight over. Would save alot of time and gas.