
Perspective...and practicality...could a national league, scheduling a tournament for 110 teams from 32 clubs from multiple states all over the U.S., possibly take into account every "important" HS tournament in every state in their membership when scheduling an event?

Or does it seem just a little bit more "arrogant" to assume that everyone in a national league needs to schedule around OUR particular season, and OUR particular tournament that WE consider "elite" because it affects US?

Of the 52 member clubs of ECNL only 29 (3 more than half) participated in the San Antonio event.
I agree that the organization cannot schedule events to avoid all conflicts with HS soccer especially conflicts with individual HS soccer events.

However, a quote for reference from a FAQ page posted earlier by ECNL at http://usclubsoccer-eliteclubs.d4sportsclub.com/PageCustom.aspx?id=62&o=340781 ...

"Can a player that participates in the ECNL also participate in high school soccer?
Yes. The ECNL schedules are created to insure that all players that participate in the ECNL also have the opportunity to play high school soccer. The ECNL is not prohibiting players from its member clubs from participating in high school soccer."

So, as the parent organization appears to support participation in HS soccer but can't avoid all individual club conflicts with those HS commitments of its players, I guess the organization leaves it to the individual club to avoid the local conflicts.