Of course I'm one of the "globe trotting parents". And I thought I had hidden it so well too. Good sleuthing:)

I wouldn't give up one second I've spent traveling for soccer with my family. But I do recognize it isn't for every family or child, unlike others who think one size fits all. Is ECNL bad? For some, yes. For others, no. Is R3PL bad? For some, yes. For others, no. Is Rec bad? For some, yes. For others, no.

So I did think about it.

I think R3PL was an improvement over what was before it. I think ECNL is another improvement.

I think there are now even more alternatives for players. If someone never wants to leave SC, they have that option. R3PL is an option if they never want to leave a four state region. ECNL is an option if they want to play in a larger geographic arena. Each offers different levels of competition, travel, costs, exposure and opportunity.

I think if we applied your logic to other aspects of life we'd still be riding horses and mailing letters.