Something to consider, I believe this is how North Carolina handles a private school playing under the NCHSL banner.
When a private school joins the HSL they must join at a classification higher. For example, the teams in discussion here CC & BE would automatically be classified as AA schools.
This part I'm not sure on, but I believe that once a private school wins a state championship, they then move up a classification. So at this point both CC & BE would be competing in AAAA for soccer.
Now I'm not sure how that would work. Would it be for just that specific sport, do all sports move up, are they permanently moved up, and is this only done when conferences are realigned? But I do feel that moving a private school up in classification is one way to make things extremely interesting as far as soccer is concerned! This may create the most "fair" and "level" playing field possible.

Coach Sharpless Blue Ridge High School