Belligerent - my answer to your questions is personal experience. Just curious but how is the Academy developing these players? And when you say "when it works for them?" to whom are you referring the players or coaches? Hmmm?

As to the selection method I have no beef with their past selections. I just don't believe that a two day tryout is adequate for any elite team selection. Now remember they have changed the selection process this year. I have passed on my belief that a Individualized Training/Promotion Plan should be used by the clubs. Public schools have an IEP for each student passed from teacher to teacher year to year with input. A soccer player than could build a profile for future selections based on past performance as well as a tryout. This would give all coaches (from years gone by, relocated coaches, etc.) to have input and take into consideration game situations, handling of pressure, and composure.

There is a bias toward larger schools fielding better players. Overall a larger school is able to field a complete team and should be more successful. How does a good small school player show his skills when surrounded by lesser quality players as compared to those at a larger school. In a team sport it is very difficult and I am not saying this is the case. As noted on other posts reporters and fans tend to go to larger school games. Fair or not the view of a player from Irmo (or any large school) will be given greater credence than a small school since coaches are unable to attend many opposing teams games, etc.

I hope my discussion adds some clarity to my previous post. I believe the academy is a worthwhile venture for the future of soccer. It just wasn't very helpful in my situation. I am sure it will improve over time ...I just don't have time.