GOALS!!! Bishop England 1:2 Norman North (OK) 51'

The second half of the Bishop England vs. Norman North (OK) match is now 22 minutes in with the score Bishops 1, Timberwolves 2. Bishop England led off the scoring as Brian Byrne was on the receiving end of a square pass across the area from Michael Reifeis and buried it on 22'. Andrew Costa started the series of events with a nice through ball to claim the double assist. The Battlers went into halftime with the slim 1:0 advantage.

North coach Geovanni Claros must have handed it to the T-wolves at the half as they came out fired-up. It took less than 3 minutes to equalize. Cole Johnson's 43' goal was unstoppable as the Daniel Islanders looked to be a bit confused in their marking in the back. Eight minutes later, sophomore midfielder Mauro Cichero hammered the ball home from 12 yards to give the Oklahomans a 2-1 advantage. Good action again in The Cage, with Norman North having a 9-6 shot advantage thus far.