I propose a simple compromise, which would not really require doing anything that has not, in some way, already been done.

I propose that the DA could offer two levels of membership. For those players for whom playing in high school (or in other local options) is important, the previous one-season model would be an option, which would still allow those players to benefit from training at the advertised highest level, expose those athletes to the selection system, and probably attract a certain number of athletes into the program who are qualified and have great potential, but may not be ready to give up all of their other options at this point and might select themselves out of the DA system entirely rather than buy into the all-or-nothing model.

For those players who know that they are dedicated to shaping themselves into the next generation of professional/international players and are willing to totally commit to that goal, the 10-month season would be their option. These groups of players would be able to train year-round at the highest level knowing that they are all challenging each other toward the same goals, unconflicted by second guesses over forced choices.

High school coaches, in turn, should take this offer of choice by the DA in good faith and encourage their elite players to at least participate in the one-season option. They should also respect the PLAYER'S INFORMED CHOICE OF OPTIONS...if at any point a player says "Coach, I've worked in the DA and I believe, to meet my goals, that going full-time with them is MY BEST CHOICE"--then accept that this is not any kind of forced decision or rivalry ploy by the DA or anyone else, but the player's free will choice, given all options. Respect it, encourage it, and tell him how proud of him you are for earning the opportunity and how much you hope to be watching him on the big screen.

That's my humble idea for an ideal model...if the "all the way from the start or we're not going to train you at all/it's either us or them" model still makes more sense, I will bow to wisdom beyond my understanding.

I've got good news and bad news...