Did NOT say Academy isn't inherently better (or worse).

I AM saying that you'd be surprised how many Academy sides are pretty mediocre, and don't NECESSARILY represent a great option. Over the last several years, I've seen about 30 different Academy sides play -- including a bunch of MLS-affiliated Academy sides -- and 6-8 train. I've seen how the kids are coached/transported/housed/fed/cared for (by various programs) "on the road." So I'm not "assuming" here. I have seen/watched/evaluated.

"LoveIt" has a great point. The pressure from coaches is above and beyond reasonable. Kids are recruited from a very young age to play for this or that club, Academy, H.S. side, etc. Parents buy in to the "college scholarship" myth, then spend what amnounts to a fair-sized college fund on training. That's one CHOICE! And choice is they key.

The "best interests" of some kids are met by Academy.
The "best interests" of others are met by high school.
And, at the core of this discussion, the "best interests" of yet others are met by a reasonable combination of BOTH.

The proposed new format is in the best interests of a USMNT hierarchy that, through many regimes, has fallen short of its stated goal to be truly competitive at the highest international level. Instead of admitting personal shortcomings, the hierarchy targets and tweaks a "system." Perhaps, someday, we'll stumble onto the right developmental "system." More likely, we'll stumble across a golden generation of players, then mistakenly presume that whatever training produced "them" is the single, right, way.

In reality, there are many ways to skin the proverbial cat.