The list of players below, indicate the families that have sent their money for banquet tickets. There will be NO walk-up payment and NO admission for people not eating. No actual tickets will be passed out. Attendees will check in at the security desk at Blackbaud Corporation. The final number has been sent to the caterer and there will be NO more adjustments. Anyone feeling there is an omission, please email Wayne Quinlan at

Urig, paige
Graves, Emily
Piorkowski, Taylor
Devita, Stephanie
Cajka, John
Rieflin, Trent
Byrne, Brian
Bright, Katie
Freeman, Matt
Cox, Gina
Marr, Marian
Johnson, Walker
Eads, Wesley
Grisell, Maggie
Arambula, Ryan
Fielden, Kevin
Greer, Hunter
Lackey, Natalie
McDaniel, Noel