
DJ Harry spinning again You keep bashing RPL and how low the competition is, but all your teams played in it this past year. You keep bringing up the CASL's and CSA's second teams and how mediocre those must be since they are not their top choice kids, and yet your ECNL team managed a 4-0 loss and 1-1 tie when you played them. Everyone loves great competition, but for you to say that there isn't enough of it in any other league but the one you are a member of is a slight stretch.

I don't think that I ever said that there wasn't enough competition or that anyone was "mediocre". I believe I said that with the two leagues you could choose between playing the second team once, or playing the first team twice. I'll go back and read it again and see if that's really what I said, but I think it is.

I'll also look to see where I "bashed" a league. I think this started out with a statement of how expensive $1,300 for ECNL was. I just wanted to see how people felt about paying $1,380 for PL.