When i started this thread i rele wanted to know how the recruiting was going for the ecnl at cesa. Yes, partly to needle Harry a bit also.
I blame cesa for them being behind in the recruiting process. Since going to ecnl where it is guaranteed for the top teams to play in front of college coaches. Cesa is giving even less an effort when it comes to training and so on. It is starting to show. When my oldest went to Cesa you would see all the top team and many on the B team committe to play soccer in college. Now they cant get a whole top team into college to play soccer. That is with being in ecnl. Why?
I know this is going to cause an argument but i blame the cesa parents who's kids play on these top teams as much as i do anyone associated with cesa.Remember we were those parents at one time also. First off the parents need to demand better. The training and effort that cesa is giving as a whole is terrible.. If you are happy with what you are getting then you just dont know any better. I know most are not going to leave a ecnl team and go somewhere else.
It was always part of cesa's selling point that they go to disney, casl and so on with their top teams which then was premier. Now with ecnl it seems the premier and challege teams have been left behind. If the effort is not there for the ecnl teams then i know it is not for the cesa premier and challenge teams. It will be interesting to see if the migration of players turns around and heads back south to play on a state championship team or runner up so they can go to the disneys and casl's and in R3PLE.
The other thing is that alot (not all) cesa parents whose kids were on the top teams had an arrogance, over confidence or false sense of security that just because their kid plays for cesa on the top team that coaches are foaming out the mouth to come watch them play and recruite them. It does not work that way. I know someone will be mad about me saying that but remember i was one at one time also.