Common sense ideas are good, and general fitness where the referee doesn't look like they are going to die after 20 minutes of running around is good too. While I agree that the referee should just blend into the game, and should go unnoticed, you really get in the spotlight when you make that call in the 78th minute that is a PK. No matter what you do, the whole stadium knows you are there at that point.

While I do agree with backscreen about general fitness, I am a bit concerned as to why he doesn't think that the referee should have a say in where he/she goes to ref. If I don't want to be there, I am already in a mindset that is not beneficial to the game. When I show up to a game, I usually go down the road that this is a great day to be outside playing soccer. I don't want to show up and think, oh God, what crap is going to go on again this time that I am going to have to controll. Is it the coach? Do I have to show him a card in the first 5 minutes of the game to shut him up? Is it the fans? Do I have to tell the AD to make sure they aren't saying anything racially motivated to the players of the away team? Do I have to worry about a parent walking out on the field and confronting my AR because he didn't like the offsides call? These are bush-league worries that I don't want to deal with. You may say that I should relish the work that I have to do to control these games. I look at it as, why would I go ref at a place like this on purpose? Why would I put myself in a position to be denigrated and belittled? I understand having my calls is up to the coaches to lobby me, and usually the fans crack me up with what they come up with....but some places are so filled with hate and discontent that I have absolutely no desire to go ref there.

It is no different than working a job at a place that you want to work. You have a choice.

Surprise, surprise...I still agree with a lot of what backscreen said all need a rating system in SC for the referees, and you need to have some accountability to the quality of games that you referee, and the way you look, and your professionalism. And I will say that we do have some issues with older referees still getting games that they shouldn't be getting anymore. Those referees need to gracefully start to step aside into more of a mentor role, and less of an active refereeing role. JMO

If you are going to argue a point, at least get factual information to back up your side.....