Geeez first in one post you yell then the next you go all mea-culpa guilt trip on me . Maybe you have food poisioning not indigestion? You are right we saw it different ways you get to say how you saw it and we get to saw how we saw it. No heart burn here it is just a game after all. Everyone will think what they want you YELL your peace or get bitter and snide if you want, thats your right.

By the way just because "MANN IS BIGGER AND MORE PHYSICAL" does not mean the littler less physical team gets to be roughed up and it is fair. Besides the way the calls went the little less physical players were the ones being too "physical"

You can bait me but it is a no go still pulling for Mann the girls play the game the ref lets them. They did a good job and I hope they keep playing hard, Good Luck