^^North-South/Clash Rosters.

^^Thread detailing Allstar game nominations.

My question doesn't concern the actual selection of the teams but, even though there are certainly many candidates, why aren't there more nominations??!?!?!? As a coach, isn't it your job to try and promote your kids and your program? Why not at least submit one candidate from your team? It doesn't matter if you're 0-15 or 15-0, what holds you back from nominating? Surely filling out the form can't be that difficult for an adult?

I'm sorry, but if you have players out there who scratch, claw, and commit to your program, the least you can do as a coach is TRY to get them recognized. Anything less is pure negligence.

I saw this on Fox Soccer Channel and was blown away. Surely, this kid is at least nominated



Further, Chapin - the #1 team in 3A - nominated a single player. How? Does this team have only 1 senior?

The only logical conclusion is that the coach failed to nominate them, and to me, that's poor. That's REALLY bad considering the amount of information available to the coaches. I could understand if this were the dark ages (pre-internet), but there is really no excuse. Shame on them.
