If games started Thursday

Thursday games:

1A/2A Girls: 5pm
2A Boys: 7:30pm

Friday Games:

3A Girls: 5pm
3A Boys: 7:30pm

Saturday Games:

4A Girls: 12pm
4A Boys: 2:30pm
5A Girls: 5pm
5A Boys: 7:30pm

Now some different combinations could also be made, you could do, 1A/2A and 3A Girls on Thursday and put 2A Boys with 3A Boys on Friday


If you want big schools for each night have 3A play Thursday, 4A play Friday, and have 2A Boys and Girls play with 5A Saturday. That might would give a better chance for bigger turnout for the 2A games BUT might not be as appealing leading up to the "heavy hitters"