The SCHSSCA will be running the canteens for the SCHSL State Championship Weekend. Volunteers are needed to staff concession stands on both the home and visitor's side of W.C. Hawkins Stadium.

The SCHSSCA will also accept the following products for sale in the canteen.

Bottled Water (20 oz or 16.9 oz)
20 oz Coca-Cola Products
Candy - Snickers, M&Ms, Skittles, Blow Pops, etc.
Nacho Chips / Nacho Cheese
Roasted Peanuts
Boiled Peanuts (in cans)
Potato Chips
Other appropriate canteen supplies

The more donations that we receive, the less we have to spend on product. All proceeds go to the two SCHSSCA-sponsored summer all-star games: the North-South Soccer Classic and the Clash of the Carolinas.

Please sign up in this thread for which time slot you will be present to work. If everyone pitches in, it certainly lessens the load for those involved.