We are looking for one more team to round out our field of 12 for the 2019 Winter Warrior Classic. Tournament Information:

2019 Winter Warrior Classic – 2nd Annual

Host: Southern Wesleyan University in partnership with D.W. Daniel High School

Date: February 15-17, 2019 (Friday-Sunday)

Format: 12 teams with a guaranteed 3 matches over the weekend. Championship match to determine the winner of the tournament will be played on Sunday.

Sanction: SCHSL

Cost: $500 entry fee due by Febraury 1, 2019. This includes shirts for 15 players and a free shirt for the coach. Additional shirts can be purchased for $10 per shirt. *Teams must pay entry fee by February 1, 2019 to participate in the event.

Facilities: Southern Wesleyan University provides a collegiate atmosphere for high school pre-season matches including elite, Bermuda grass surfaces and exposure for players interested in pursuing opportunities at the next level.

Amenities: Trophy for winning team, premier facilities, close parking proximity, professional staffing

Participating Teams:
Wesleyan Christian Academy (NC)
Westminster Schools of Augusta (GA)

If you are interested in filling our final spot, please email me at pboyer@clemson.edu.