Originally Posted By: scsoccerfan123D
Can't see a dev academy team dropping down into that. It takes so much to get a Dev Academy status. Folks in Georgia are chuckling about the "mult-tier" SCCL bc its club based, so how you going to "earn" promotion for all your teams. Really laughable. But USCS isn't about much but shuffling parents' dollars to their USCS bank accounts.

That’s not entirely accurate, it’s no more club based than NPL. USCS as the name suggests is club based and this is a level of that. Your entire club doesn’t qualify for the top division or second division, the team does based on promotion relegation. Same as NPL and ECNL, your entire club is scrutinized but as an example, if for whatever reason you have a year group that isn’t talented enough and results are poor that specific team would not compete at that level. In ga this league came out last year and there was a great deal of uncertainty, but now, most of the parents felt the competition overall was great. Now with the promotion relegation concept and the anticipation of it involving NPL and perhaps ECNL there seems to be a positive opinion of the league and the direction. As for the comparison with DA, we will see, you can do your own research and see for yourself the competition has been hit or miss with several big clubs leaving DA for ECNL. On the girls side to not be able to play HS soccer? Silly.