We do contract with TruGreen for our grass maintenance and very happy with the results. Thanks for raising that and offering my endorsement for their services for anyone that needs it.
And certainly will not want to overuse that one site.

We only hosted 15 games at Longpoint, one game on Trident #2, and none at any of our other sites (including Awendaw). So pretty sure we can host a few more games than we did in the spring.

I am comfortable taking more on our properties but will not suggest here that we will manage the entire shift or load of 150. I suspect USA/MP will have other alternatives as needed for their games, as we are making plans for expansion.

Our plans (projections) look like considerable growth in 2019 and we need to factor that in any and all our plans and will include new space.

No way we will put lights in at Trident. And why is that even an issue here in regard to CPL. We would not entertain or host any evening games for CPL that will require lights. Training always takes priority at our sites midweek evenings.

You should reach out to USA/MP to ask more about their plans.

satus quod perago validus - start and finish strong