Two concerns. 1. Hearing that the Battery are pulling back their name from the youth club. 2. The renovations are being done by Dorchester County, not the Battery. The fields are meant for multiple sports, not just soccer or one specific organization.

"Vance says one of the first projects that will be underway next year is the renovation of the Charleston Battery Soccer Club fields. They are located on Walden Ridge Road in Summerville which is near Trolley Road.

It’s formally known as the Summerville Soccer Club. It’s an area that typically floods.

"Anybody that has kids that has played out there knows that if we get a good rain their games are cancelled for week," Vance said.

The county is planning to improve drainage, lighting parking and safety by adding a fence around all the fields. They also plan to put in new grass and turf fields.

The fields will be available for high schools and tournaments. They can also be used to play football."