The SCACA is here to serve our state coaches. Our best way to serve coaches is through their SCACA membership.

The 2020 SCACA membership drive began at the March AD/Principal Conference when AD’s picked up the packets of membership forms. Those that were not picked up were immediately mailed to the schools. Then, the COVID pandemic closed schools the following week which has presented multiple challenges to students, teachers/coaches, school districts, and communities.

Normally, SCACA membership forms are handled in a variety of ways:

· AD’s completing the forms for the coaching staff with payment issued by the school, district office, booster clubs.
· AD’s distributing the forms to individual coaches with the individual paying for his/her membership.
· Individuals completing the online form on and utilizing PayPal
· On-site membership registration at the July All-Sports Clinic

With the closure of schools for the remainder of the year and staffs not on campus daily, there may be another challenge. Please evaluate your situation and begin the SCACA membership process when feasible.

Currently, the SCACA office is working toward the July Clinic, but will be awaiting future mandates and guidelines. Nevertheless, remember the All- Sports Clinic is just one of the perks of SCACA membership when considering the advantages of the $2,000,000 general liability insurance coverage, the scholarship programs (174 recipients for 2020) and the support.

R. Shell Dula
South Carolina Athletic Coaches Association
Executive Director