Another quality proposal:

First, I think ADs and the SCHSL should make every effort to limit the disruption to spring sports. Spring sports took the brunt of the 2020 season being cancelled so those players deserve to have the most normal season of the three (fall, winter, spring). However, I have a feeling that ADs and the SCHSL will simply make the decision that is in the best interest of football.

With that said, here is my plan. I call it the 4-3-2 plan.

- Fall sports would begin 4 weeks later than their SCHSL listed start date. Their regular season end date would be pushed 2 weeks later.
* For instance, this year Week 0 for football is August 21. This year week 0 would be September 18. Playoffs would then begin November 20.
* Yes, this is going to push football into Thanksgiving and possibly Winter Break. This is an excuse I do not want to hear since spring players lost essentially their whole season last year.

- Winter sports would begin 3 weeks later than their SCHSL listed start date. Their regular season end date would be pushed 1 week later.

- Spring Spots would begin 2 weeks later than their SCHSL listed start date. Their regular season end date would not change.

I would propose all seasons get 3 week of preseason (negotiable). This allows for 1 week of tryouts and 2 weeks of team prep, scrimmages, etc. For us with soccer, we would get a week of tryouts then maybe 2 scrimmages. If you want to try and squeeze a tournament in there, be my guest. I would probably not.

Open seasons would need to be adjusted.

The staggered start dates allows for students who play multiple sports.

Finally, any proposal that involves soccer, football and lacrosse playing at the same time should be shelved immediately as that is not logistically possible.