Back to the top 3 like keepcoach said. I feel that Goose has no flaw in his game he can do everything a goalie needs to be able to do. He makes every save and more than he should. He also kills every goal kick and he punts the ball very consistent and far. I feel will is second best because of his ability of saving stuff that should never be saved. Its like he has a weird instict of where the ball is going before it is kicked. Wills worst part of his game though is his foot skills. Moody is a great goalie because he doesnt make many mistakes and makes every save that is expected of him he just doesnt seem to have some of the unreal saves that goose and will have. Moody does have good foot skills but i just havent seen the amazing things that will and Goose have shown me Infront of the goal. Will and Goose are very good in the air usually and Moody hasnt always been known for that for example the Aiken game last year he really had some trouble.