I would just like to comment a little on the points raised. First of all, with Academic Magnet in our region they are the team and program I am most familiar with and I have a ton of respect for their coaches and their team. We have played 5 times in the past two years and I can honestly say that I have learned more as a coach by watching what they do then I have learned anywhere else--and I think it paid off. I could not pay for the lessons that I got from Troy Bennage's team defeating everything I have thrown at him (and yes, I have tried something different every game). Not only that, but as far as organization he is the leader in 1A soccer and has been tremendously helpful to a new coach learning the ropes.
Secondly, the success we are having right now would not be nearly as meaningful if we were not able to play high caliber teams like Academic Magnet and Christ Church and I for one am glad for the opportunity and the competition.
Thirdly, I am very proud of my team also!