Kyle, you have threatened to ban several posters in the past for being "ganster" and for using foul language. Well, Hammer has basically made racist comments and has profiled this sebastian kid. Your thoughts?
This thread has just been brought to my attention via a Private Message. I don't know who Sebastian Velasquez is, but I assume he is Hispanic -- is this correct? I've heard of his ability and if I'm not mistaken, also heard that he was a Junior Scholar at Greenville HS. Since I didn't read this thread until receiving the PM, I understand how the "Hammer's" comment has been interpreted and I will edit that post.

However, from the other point of view, this is a current "hot topic" with the S.C. High School League and the validity of foreign born players and the authenticity of birth certificates, passports, permanent papers, etc. I'm not implying that those circumstances have anything to do with S.V., but do know that it's an issue that Principals and Athletic Directors are going to have to deal with in the Palmetto State.

As for the gangster posts, my position stands the same today as it did 2-3 weeks ago. I'm not going to have the Message Board subjected to that kind of crap! There are plenty of other places to discuss that information, but www.scsoccer.com will not be one of them.