People's Champ--
mbplay4life DID say it perfectly...and amazingly, without being derogatory, arrogant, or downright insulting to anyone in the process. Maybe you could take a lesson from your own compliment.

Feeder programs are a huge part of any great team's success; when players come in with years of experience before the ever step on the varsity field, it is a big advantage. That doesn't mean the newer or more rural teams can't build and develop; it will just take several seasons of perserverance to accomplish.

Now, as for the lopsided scoring...if you can explain to me how continually driving the ball in on a defense that is offering little or no resistance at that point actually "prepares" you to face a strong team in the next match, I'll concede the point. As a coach, I find little correlation between the two.

One of the two principles of ethics is that the overall benefits have to outweigh the overall harm. If someone can explain how the benefits of a 28-0 win for an already stronger team outweigh the damage a 28-0 loss can do to the spirit of a new, developing team, then I will concede it as ethical treatment.