i used to play high school soccer in north carolina in which teams play in the fall... and there is no way you can talk about a north western or a greenville being on top of the nation.. the level of competition is so much greater in other states.. north carolina being one, Apex and North meck were def powerhouses in the country whose players are made up of some of the premier club teams in the country, such as CASL Elite and Charlotte soccer club ..not to mention last years Athens Drive team who were absolutely sick with 7 or 8 starters playing on the CASL Elite team... texas being another state with players coming from another top club in the country, Solar.. they also play their high school in the fall... and the schools go up to 8 and 9 A classes, there is no way these south carolina teams could compete with this level of play... Not to take anything away from NW or G'Ville, but there would be no chance for them against an 8A texas powerhouse.. last time i checked.. texas and NC were in this nation.. making this national ranking of g'vill being the top team complete krap... wait till after the season when the fall soccer states get their votes in for national rankings... greenville will be lucky to be in the top 15