I'm sorry. I thought this site was to post your opinions and comments, and this page for girls soccer, not for some idiot to talk trash about them. It is too new of a sport to have people try and take them down. Some schools don't even have a girls program yet. All of the negativity makes girls that don't play now less likely to want to and those that are playing now feel bad. These jerks need to back off and leave the program alone. Compare men's soccer to the rest of the world and we aren't so great yet either, but it will get there if they keep playing. It is the same with girls, now. They have to be given a chance to improve with out the criticism from our "superior" race. It seems that you and a few others think you are allowed to post what ever you want, then come down on any one else that takes the same liberty. Maybe some of my comments came off wrong,and I apologize if I offended any one, but just because you gave yourself the silly name "the truth" does not make you the lord and master of this site. Before you talk about me remember your divorced and gay commments on previous post. Clean up your own post before you pick on mine. Let's try and bring up the post on this page and others. There is enough negativity in the world. Soccer is a great sport for girls and guys they both need support from all sides. [Smile]