
You Team was a good Team on that day,they played hard and that was fine.

But in noway have I ever told any of my girls to (TAKE OUT) a player.I or my Team as never had a YELLOW CARD, My girls did tell me that them girls are being mean on the field. I told them and always told them (PLAY THE BALL)and if I ever see one of my players play dirty SHE or HE will come off the field in a heart beat.

But when you hear me say on the sideline (USE YO BOODY)That means just use yo body to push the ball throw the pack, or use you body to block the shot.

That game we playd against you team, was the only game that I din't say a word to them on the field during that 80mts.Because it was our last game of the year and I wanted them to play for them self, and they did that.

I have nothing against you Sir,you young lady's or you Head Coach.But that young Ast Coach was made to Apologize to my 5 girls on the bench and me after the game was over.
For what he did in front of them by the director of CSC on that day.I hope we play you guys again in Fall,but leave that "Male Ast Coach" at home we don't want HIM near our girls. And he his "BANNED" from stepping on our fields in Sumter, what he did "WAS SICK".And that is the bottom line.

PS: Mr Bruce Blumberg a very respected man in the Soccer community, was beside me all the way during that game. Maybe you need to speak to him and get you facts in order Sir.