For real man. I agree with Greenville at #1 but other than that the only ones I can understand is Newberry making it in the top 10. Daniel and Seneca deserved to move up but not to 2 and 3. And if anyone needed to move out of the rankings it would have been B.C. not A.C. Flora. I think Riverside and Southside got screwed. Southside didn't even loose a game? I dunno and the Beachs got screwed to...MB and NMB should have switched not both moved down 2. And Wade Hampton..they have wins over chump teams and then a loss against the only ranked team they played? Sorry but I don't think these ranks will float with anyone but people from Greenville, Daniel, Seneca, Wade Hampton and Newberry. I think anybody that actually looks at the records for these teams will only agree with Greenville and Newberry.