In my final post on this thread I would like to thank the Lady Wildcats and their coaching staff for all they have given us, the fans, over the last 4 years. Three state 4-A championships, too many exciting regular season and playoff games to count, and, above all, your best efforts at all times. This has been a very special team, the likes of which SC HS soccer may not see for quite a while. I wish the best to the returning players and have great confidence that they will continue the tradition established by the current squad. There is great promise there. I thank CGSA, now CUSC, for providing the platform of training from which this powerhouse was able to emerge. A special thanks, and at the same time an almost "We're sorry" to James Island, and the Fusion sisters there. You would have won over Fort Mill, in my opinion, more easily than West Ashley did. You were always better than your end of season ranking. Thank you, Coach McNeely, for your guidance of our children. They are better players and better people for what you and the rest of the WA coaching staff have brought to them. Thank you, Andy Grist, soccer, nutrition and fitness dictator. Who but a Brit could have brought such fundamentally solid soccer to the Lowcountry? Times change, teams change. You can never step in the same river twice. It was a great four years. May the next four hold even greater surprises.


ps: Thanks also to the Heise's and for providing a forum in which to discuss all of the above. The best $15 entertainment bargain around...